Trick Me

We say
Sarah Solovay makes timeless quality pop that transcends fashion simply by being very good indeed and having huge appeal. It sounds cool without tipping over the line marked ‘achingly-hip’. It’s catchy without ever being annoying. It’s upbeat and positive without wearing an obvious broad grin. We last featured her a couple of months ago with her equally smart Rough Draft. And with this latest confident and brilliantly-produced track from her forthcoming EP, due this summer, she again proves that our support was well-founded. Lyrically it tells how it’s often fun to turn a blind eye to a relationship’s flaws and just roll with the mad, unexpected experiences whilst it lasts, knowing that it won’t be forever anyway. In the past week, the song has hit the Top 10 on Spotify’s Global Viral 50 and the Top 40 on their US Viral 50, as well as being on rotation on Sirius XM The Pulse this past weekend. Based in New York, she’s been performing live dates there over the last few days, trying out her new material for the first time. Currently unsigned, her smart songwriting deserves to be noticed.
Press [US]: Joshua Hammond, Press Here Publicity
All other enquiries: Sarah Solovay direct
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We are always looking for future hits and stars - signed and unsigned. To submit music for consideration please send an email with a link to one track and some info to Kevin Marston.
Unfortunately we can't respond personally to all submissions, but we do listen to everything.
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