
We say
This top pop nugget from Raindeer Bump featuring Tyana Bay is a great find. Her background is that she’s a classically-trained pianist who ended up winning a TV music contest, singing a song that she really didn’t like. Forced by contractual issues to fulfill her commitments, she carried on in that world, gaining a whole heap of knowledge and experience along the way. Now, she’s broken free and is ready to launch herself with this new project, beginning with a song co-written by Bryan DV (noted for his work with Bob Sinclar) and with melody and lyrics by Kit Hain (one half of Marshall Hain, whose song Dancing In The City was a worldwide smash back in the day). It’s a Belgian/American joint venture with producer Steve Greenwell recording the vocals in New York before duo Ollin Kan worked their magic on the final mix, giving it a sunshine-filled tropical pop feel similar to their reworking of Calvin Harris’ How Deep Is Your Love last year. Solid, dependable radio-friendly pop, it'd sound great blasting out just about anywhere in the world right now. And you'll soon wish it was summer again.
All enquiries: Luc Standaert, Beatimplant / Cricket Hill Music, +32 497 52 71 88 [Belgium]
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