A Song

We say
We reveal our Record of the Year tomorrow but before that, let’s revisit one that got away from last February which we still believe has the legs to be a worldwide smash. Heimlich is the alias of songwriter Brane Kovak and production partner Uwe Taubert and this ridiculously-simple but hugely addictive song came months before Lost Frequencies pretty much used to same formula to score a pan-European smash in the shape of Are You With Me? A soulful pop vocal over an acoustic rhythm guitar both make way for a whistling hook that’s still in our heads eleven months after featuring it. It’s infused with the sound of summer sunshine, is streaming on Spotify in the UK and beyond, is available as a digital bundle on UK iTunes and it’ll just take one simple TV sync to turn this into a major hit. Why nobody at a major picked this up for the UK from the German indie dance label and tried to turn it into a smash is still baffling to us. Take a listen (again) right now. This a proper mainstream punter tune that radio will lap up in the right promotional hands. And it hasn’t aged a bit.
Label Contact: Sven Gruhnwald, Planet Punk Music, +49 (0) 4156 205 956 00 [Hamburg]
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We are always looking for future hits and stars - signed and unsigned. To submit music for consideration please send an email with a link to one track and some info to Kevin Marston.
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