Alive In The Septic Tank
We say
Clarence Clarity is a fabulously perverse moniker for a man (at least we assume it's a he) who makes such joyously bewildering music. Alive In The Septic Tank is the second track to be showcased from debut EP Save Thyself - three minutes of deranged, contorted psychedelia, screaming to get out of which is a thrilling pop song writhing like a panicked escapologist. The blogs including Pigeons & Planes and The 405 have been in a lather about Clarence since his previous perversion The Gospel Truth, and now radio is responding too; Septic Tank has picked up support from Phil & Alice and Zane Lowe, who described it as 'pushing the boundaries on every level, sonically and lyrically'. Yesterday Noisey premiered the video, a carnival of chaos and curiosity that's as terrifying as it is terrific. Run for cover!
Label: Alex Bean, 37 Adventures
Radio: James Passmore, Plugged In
Online: Seb Burford, World Wide Friendly Society
Live: Andy Duggan & Matt Bates, Primary Talent
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We are always looking for future hits and stars - signed and unsigned. To submit music for consideration please send an email with a link to one track and some info to Kevin Marston.
Unfortunately we can't respond personally to all submissions, but we do listen to everything.
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