Back To Black
Artist: Amy Winehouse
Label: Island/Universal
Impact date: out now
ROTD featured date: Monday 25 July 2011
We say
An unforgettable voice that could silence a room - that's how we'll remember Amy Winehouse, and that's why we're featuring the exceptional Back To Black today. A modern British jazz singer capable of contemporising the classic soul stylings of Etta James, and with the aid of Mark Ronson's brilliant production on Back To Black, taking it to a new generation. Fans revisiting her catalogue will doubtlessly find several tracks that will tragically resonate after Saturday's sad news. Within hours her album Back To Black, re-entered the iTunes chart at number one in many countries around the world, including the UK and the US. As we join the tributes, we felt that pieces from Russell Brand and Alexis Petridis have articulated her story eloquently. Video.Contact
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