We Got Time
Artist: Moray McLaren
Label: unsigned/Lash
Impact date: out now
ROTD featured date: Monday 18 May 2009
We say
We were first made aware of Moray McLaren's work when Kanye West posted David Wilson's excellent video to We Got Time on his blog. Even the making of the video is compelling and attracted coverage on the widely-read BoingBoing blog. McLaren's demos came to the attention of producer and engineer Jonathan Shakhovskoy (U2, Patrick Wolf), who is now working on an album with him. We Got Time, which we love for its timeless feel, has had plays on R2 from Johnnie Walker and Dermot O'Leary. The album will be self-released on Lash Records in July. JF. London gigs: June 3, Ginglik W12Contact
Nicky Yates, Lash Records - +44 (0)77 1340 4331Submit your music
We are always looking for future hits and stars - signed and unsigned. To submit music for consideration please send an email with a link to one track and some info to Kevin Marston.
Unfortunately we can't respond personally to all submissions, but we do listen to everything.
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