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Wonder Why

Artist: Burn The Negative
Label: Gung-Ho
Impact date: single April 13, album April 27
ROTD featured date: Friday 27 March 2009

We say

Burn The Negative's synth pop has been winning fans in a number of places. Tipped by Clash, The Guardian, The Fly, Artrocker, NME TV and XFM, the Carlisle four piece released this as their debut single on Gung-Ho (home to The Japanese Popstars and Petter & The Pix among others). A debut album, In The Atmosphere, was recorded between Carlisle and Abbey Road Studios, and is lined up for release next month. A full UK tour will follow, following their recent addition to ITB’s roster. In a genre that seems overcrowded, Burn The Negative are making skillful, thoughtful electro, of which this is a pleasing taster. JF London gig: April 11, Matter SE10


Matt Stuart, Gung-Ho, +44 (0)79 4136 3561/Press: Matt Learmouth, Alchemy PR, +44(0)20 8996 4810

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