I Am John
Artist: Loney, Dear
Label: Regal
Impact date: Single 26/4, Album 16/4
ROTD featured date: Thursday 22 March 2007
We say
Loney, Dear is the pseudonym of Swedish multi-instrumentalist Emil Svanängen. For the last three years he home-recorded and self-released his work on home-made CD-Rs. Last year Sub-Pop signed him in the US, now Regal are releasing his album Loney, Noir in the UK. A sporadically layered but wonderfully constructed piece of pop, this is an adorable record. Watch the very interesting video here. JF London Gig: 19 April, Earl of Camden (Camden Crawl) NW1Contact
Jake Bailey, EMI +44 (0)20 7605 5000Submit your music
We are always looking for future hits and stars - signed and unsigned. To submit music for consideration please send an email with a link to one track and some info to Kevin Marston.
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