Hello Starling (Snow Is Gone)
Artist: Josh Ritter
Label: Setanta
Impact date: album out now
ROTD featured date: Monday 10 May 2004

We say
This delightful, sprawling track has converted us to Josh whole-heartedly and we get the impression we're part of a growing crowd. He's been big in Ireland for a while with support from Hot Press and two of our favourite Irish acts, The Frames and Damien Rice. His UK fanbase is growing impressively too and he's playing nine UK dates in June, finishing at London's Scala on Wednedsay June 16. This recently went straight onto the Radio 2 A list.Contact
Keith Cullen, Setanta - 020 7284 4877Submit your music
We are always looking for future hits and stars - signed and unsigned. To submit music for consideration please send an email with a link to one track and some info to Kevin Marston.
Unfortunately we can't respond personally to all submissions, but we do listen to everything.
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