Artist: Damien Rice feat. Lisa Hannigan
Label: 14th Floor
Impact date: 9 February
ROTD featured date: Friday 6 February 2004

We say
No soundclip. An important single going into 2004 for our #1 tip of last year. It introduces the co-lead vocals of Lisa Hannigan (check out The Blower's Daughter - his best track - to hear just how important Lisa's contribution is to Damien's music). And, being midtempo, it gives media outlets including Radio 1 and Radio 2 another opportunity to show their support for one of the foremost emerging artists of the recent times.Contact
East West - 020 7938 5500Submit your music
We are always looking for future hits and stars - signed and unsigned. To submit music for consideration please send an email with a link to one track and some info to Kevin Marston.
Unfortunately we can't respond personally to all submissions, but we do listen to everything.
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