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Statements: Lisa Nandy, Culture Secretary

UK Music Chief Executive Tom Kiehl “Lisa Nandy’s appointment as the new Culture Secretary is fantastic news and provides further momentum behind the new government’s ambitious plans for music and culture. UK Music has worked with Lisa previously, including collaborating on a successful event on music talent development at the Old Courts in her Wigan constituency. Her commitment to music means she is ideally placed to help UK Music and its members tackle the opportunities and challenges that the music industry faces, and contribute to sustained growth for our sector.”

Gee Davy,
interim CEO of the Association of Independent Music (AIM)commented: "I am delighted to see Rachel Reeves confirmed as Britain's first female Chancellor, and Lisa Nandy as Culture Secretary. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to work with them both to include music in equivalent creative sector tax credit schemes, such as those in film and games, to drive investment. With Lisa Nandy's experience in levelling up and international development, we hope she will help drive success for diverse independent music communities in all regions and nations of the UK, and provide strong export support in maintaining British independent music's global standing."

Tom Gray, Chair of The Ivors Academy said, "A huge congratulations to Lisa Nandy from our whole songwriter and composer community and everyone at The Ivors Academy. We cannot wait to start working with a government that cares about and understands culture. This is a moment for real change, where we can work to ensure that songwriters and composers are valued and fairly rewarded. We can build a thriving music workforce that benefits our cities and regions, improves mental health and drives growth."

Mark Davyd, CEO of Music Venue Trust: “Music Venue Trust warmly welcomes the appointment of Lisa Nandy as Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. Lisa arrives into the role at a critical time for live music in our communities, with the opportunity to deliver real, positive, long lasting change that can protect, secure and improve the nation’s grassroots music venues. We look forward to meeting with her as soon as possible so we can begin the work of getting British music back to its rightful position as the beating heart of our towns and cities.”


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