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Official Statement from AlphaTheta and Serato Regarding NZCC’s Ruling on Acquisition

We disagree with and are disappointed by the ruling of the New Zealand Commerce Commission against the acquisition. As AlphaTheta and Serato, we believe that the proposed agreement would have accelerated our combined ability to deliver incredible products to DJs and Producers around the world by capitalizing on our complementary expertise.

Despite the regulatory findings, our organisations have a long history of working together and we steadfastly believe in the merits and benefits of our ongoing partnership as we seek to harness technology to advance the ways artists create and perform music.

“Regardless of the disappointing outcome of the judgement, we remain excited about the future. Through this process we have built on our 15 year relationship with Serato, leading to the commencement of a number of exciting new projects for DJs and Producers.”  - Yoshinori Kataoka, President and CEO, AlphaTheta.

“While it’s not the decision we wanted, the Serato business has never been in a better place, and neither has our relationship with ATC. Through the process we have not taken our eye away from what we do best and our pipeline of future innovation is incredibly healthy, including a number of projects with AlphaTheta and other industry partners.” – Young Ly, CEO, Serato.

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