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King’s Speech: AIM CEO welcomes provisions on AI, apprenticeships and devolution

Gee Davy, Interim CEO of the Association of Independent Music (AIM): 

“AIM applauds the suggestion of finding a responsible framework for AI, made in today's King’s Speech. We welcome also reforms to broaden the Apprenticeship Levy, which we hope will enable businesses of all scales to engage and provide opportunities for young people; and hope that the increased support of workers will include freelancers. We urge the new government to strengthen the ‘agent of change principle’ in their housing and planning goals, to protect the UK’s independent venues and the music that makes a building feel like a home. And we recognise and value the commitment to strengthening local economies, which will help ensure music can thrive in every region and nation of the UK.  

“We’re looking forward to working closely with the government during this new Parliament to create the most supportive environment for independent music, which has long played a vital role in progressing and promoting British culture globally. This will be essential to a brilliant and diverse future for great British music."

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