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Introducing Get Me On Vinyl: The Crowdfunding Platform for Vinyl Records


Get Me On Vinyl is thrilled to announce the launch of its innovative crowdfunding platform dedicated to helping artists and labels bring their music to life on vinyl. By seamlessly integrating the crowdfunding campaign with the vinyl manufacturing process, Get Me On Vinyl offers a streamlined solution for independent artists and labels facing the challenges of rising production costs.

About Get Me On Vinyl
At Get Me On Vinyl, we are music enthusiasts at heart. We spend our days immersed in music, attending shows, and building our vinyl collections. Our team comprises seasoned music industry professionals with expertise in artist management, label management, digital platforms, and vinyl manufacturing.

Our Mission
We recognize the significant hurdles that smaller labels and independent artists face in releasing vinyl records due to increased production costs. Traditional crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, while useful, present a complex and time-consuming process. Get Me On Vinyl simplifies this journey by merging crowdfunding with vinyl pressing, working with manufacturers worldwide to ensure the highest quality standards, swift delivery times, and eco-friendly practices.

How It Works
Get Me On Vinyl empowers artists to crowdfund and press their records in one convenient location. It all starts with requesting a quote to set the campaign goal. The next step before launching the campaign is to validate both audio and artwork files. Once a campaign reaches its funding goal, production begins immediately, minimizing delays. The records are then shipped directly from the pressing plant to the artist, who can add a personal touch by sending them to backers with a thank you note.

Typically, the records sold during the campaign cover a portion of the total order, allowing artists to sell the remaining copies at shows, on their official website, or through other sales channels. Since the initial production costs are covered by pre-sales, every additional record sold is pure profit for the artist.

Why Choose Get Me On Vinyl

• Streamlined Process: Our platform integrates crowdfunding with manufacturing, making it easier for artists to fund and produce vinyl releases.

  • Quality and Speed: We collaborate with top manufacturers globally to ensure quick turnaround times and exceptional quality.

  • Sustainable Practices: We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of vinyl production.

  • Artist-Centric: We support artists on the funding and vinyl production process enabling them to focus on their music.

    Although it was designed for new albums from indie artists and labels, Get Me On Vinyl can also be used by established artists for new albums and repressings, allowing them to measure the interest and demand for this format within their fan base, while creating engagement and increasing the connection with their followers at the same time.

    Get Me On Vinyl is here to transform the way vinyl records are produced and funded, making it more accessible for independent artists and labels to share their music with fans worldwide.

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