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Impala and A2IM launch carbon calculator project for the USA, supported by Merlin


Independent trade associations, A2IM (USA) and IMPALA (Europe) in partnership with Julie's Bicycle are launching a free one-year pilot project of IMPALA's Carbon Calculator in the USA with the support of Merlin. This is the first step towards rolling out the tool in the world's biggest music market, so the sector can measure and reduce carbon footprints in as coordinated a way as possible.  
The project includes key North American labels to input on any developments needed to the tool for a full rollout, as well as providing a pathway for future calculator adaptations in other key territories.

Already used by labels with US businesses, the calculator helps companies report in a standardised way by scopes, in line with GHG protocol and Race to Zero/ SBTi commitments. The calculator now displays the footprint in scopes 1, 2 and 3 and it also allows labels to report on other impacts and actions beyond carbon. 

Thanks to Merlin's support, the project launched during this year's Indie Week with participation from a group of A2IM members of different sizes. The session was delivered by a representative of IMPALA and Julie's Bicycle. This event was an opportunity to gather interested companies, build capacity within the community and provide tailored support to the companies selected for the pilot project.

The project will also include workshops for A2IM members, serving as a platform to gather feedback, address potential questions, and ensure a smooth transition for users. 1-on-1 meetings between the developer team and company representatives will be available to guide companies in need of extra support.

IMPALA launched its Carbon Calculator in April 2022, in partnership with Julie's Bicycle. The calculator is based on Julie's Bicycle Creative Climate Tools, tailored specifically to meet the needs of independent record companies with IMPALA. The first membership Carbon Calculator report was released in 2023, with the second one in the pipeline.
Dr. Richard Burgess, President & CEO of A2IM commented, "We are very excited that the U.S. is the first territory in the internationalisation of IMPALA's Carbon Calculator. Thanks to Merlin's support, our members will be able to shape the tool for the U.S. market and play a key role in the expansion of its use." 

Karla Rogozar, Sustainability Lead, IMPALA added: "To help standardise the sector's approach across regions, it's important to have these projects in key markets. Merlin's support is vital to facilitate internationalisation of the IMPALA calculator." 

Jeremy Sirota, CEO of Merlin commented "Our path towards a more sustainable future involves all of us working together. That's why we are pleased to support internationalising the IMPALA Carbon Calculator. We are excited to see its roll-out in the U.S. to help more independents build that future together."

Chiara Badiali, Music Lead, Julie's Bicycle concluded: "This pilot is an invaluable opportunity to build new shared understanding and pathways between the European and US independent music companies, because meeting the climate crisis head-on means coming together, learning from and with each other, and taking action collectively."

This project represents the first step towards internationalisation and broader collaboration in the sector. IMPALA invites other interested parties to reach out and work together on this item.

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