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ECSA elects new Board

Today, the members of the European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA) elected a new Board of Directors for a period of three years. The new Board re-elected Helienne Lindvall (SKAP, Sweden) as ECSA President, after having already served for a first term from 2022 to 2025. 

On Thursday morning, ECSA’s three committees, APCOE, FFACE, and ECF, elected their new Chairs and Vice-Chairs, who now form the new ECSA Board. This was followed by the election of our Alliance’s new President, Vice-Presidents, and Treasurer. We are pleased to announce that our new Board is composed of:

APCOE Committee (popular music):
Chair: Helienne Lindvall (SKAP, Sweden)
Vice-Chairs: Aafke Romeijn (BAM! Popauteurs, the Netherlands), Tobias Stenkjaer (DPA, Denmark)

ECF Committee (contemporary and classical music):
Chair: Zahra Mani (Austrian Composers Association, Austria)
Vice-Chairs: Niilo Tarnanen (Society of Finnish Composers, Finland), Vlad Răzvan Baciu (UCMR, Romania)

FFACE Committee (film and audiovisual music):
Chair: Jesper Hansen (BFM, Denmark)
Vice-Chairs: Anselm Kreuzer (Composers Club, Germany), Johan van der Voet (BCMM, the Netherlands)

The newly formed ECSA Board elected the following three positions among its members:

ECSA President:
Helienne Lindvall (SKAP, Sweden)

ECSA Vice-Presidents:
Zahra Mani (Austrian Composers Association, Austria)
Jesper Hansen (BFM, Denmark)

Aafke Romeijn (BAM! Popauteurs, the Netherlands)

The elections took place in the frame of the biannual ECSA Session of 26 and 27 March, held at the Maison européenne des auteurs et autrices in Brussels, Belgium. During the General Assembly, ECSA Members honoured outgoing ECSA Board member Luis Ivars with the title of Honorary Vice-President, in recognition of his longstanding and tremendous contributions to our Alliance.      

ECSA is extremely grateful to all of the nine previous Board members for their invaluable work and their commitment to fight for the livelihoods of music authors over the last three years.

Helienne Lindvall (Songwriter, re-elected ECSA President), states:
“It’s an immense honour to be re-elected as ECSA President. Over the past three years, it’s been wonderful to see what we can accomplish with the collective voice of music creators. I’m proud of the progress that has been made, but at the same time conscious about all the challenges still ahead of us to reach a fair and balanced music ecosystem for composers and songwriters. I would like to thank our previous Board for their tremendous work, collaboration, enthusiasm and commitment. I also want to thank all our members and the newly elected Board members for their renewed trust in me, and I look forward to working together for a better future for music creators. Last but not least, I would like to thank Luis Ivars for his extraordinary work as an ECSA Board member since the foundation of our Alliance. ECSA would not be where it is now without his invaluable contributions and incredible optimism.”

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