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AllTrack becomes the 4th US PRO to be accepted by CISAC


AllTrack, a performing rights organization (PRO) built in the digital era to serve the independent music sector, has been accepted as a rights management entity by CISAC (the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers) and integrated with CISAC's exclusive data exchange tools.

Following an extensive application and review process by CISAC, AllTrack has joined ASCAP, BMI and SESAC as fellow US PROs affiliated with the organization. Its recent integration with CISAC's Common Information System tools has made it seamless for collection societies around the world to connect directly with AllTrack.

AllTrack attributes much of its significant growth since being founded in 2017 to its ongoing commitment to fairness, good governance, and transparency. Its affiliation with CISAC only further underscores these core values. 

Founded in 1926, CISAC is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization headquartered in France. With over 227 member societies in more than 116 countries, and representing more than 5 million creators across all artistic fields, CISAC works to protect the rights of creators, safeguards the key values of collective management, and strengthens and develops the international network of collecting rights societies through the exchange of data between countries. 

"AllTrack is proud to be accepted as a rights management entity by CISAC, an organization that has set the gold standard for collection societies representing creators across the globe," says AllTrack Founder and CEO Hayden Bower. "At AllTrack, we believe we have a pivotal role to play in ensuring that independent music creators and publishers are compensated fairly when their music is used and are committed to working with our fellow CISAC-affiliated colleagues to continue to advance this mission." 

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