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AIM General Election comment

Gee Davy, AIM's Interim CEO and Chief Policy Officer AIM, said: "Congratulations to the new Labour government on behalf of the UK's globally celebrated independent music sector. We look forward to working alongside all newly elected MPs and the new cabinet, to achieve the goal of making the regions and nations of the UK the best places to grow and scale a music business and build sustainable careers in music. Key measures will include finally including music in the creative tax reliefs on par with those in film and gaming to encourage investment in our world-beating UK music scenes, opening up small business' opportunities in apprenticeships, and encouraging responsible development in AI which protects and nurtures UK music and musicians. We encourage all MPs to consider the important place music has had in their lives and constituencies and look to them to support independent music businesses and creative professionals who are essential to the future of brilliant and diverse great British music."

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