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AIF General Election comment

A statement from the Association of Independent Festivals' CEO John Rostron following the result of the UK's 2024 General Election

"We offer sincere congratulations to Sir Keir and to the Labour Party on their landslide win, and are pleased that there's now a strong Government in place that can develop a programme for the next five years.

"Our call to Sir Keir and to the incoming Culture Secretary will be for urgent lowering of VAT on festival ticket sales to 5% to mitigate independent festival closures in the UK and sow seeds for growth in 2025. We hope, also, that this Government will take forward the recommendations of the CMS inquiry into grassroots music venues.

"We want to note that we're sorry to see Thangham Debbonaire lose her seat - she has been excellent in the role of Shadow Secretary of State for Culture. It's also bittersweet to know that Tom Gray, who has been a brilliant advocate for progressive policies in music, lost out in his attempt to become an MP. We hope he returns to his excellent advocacy and representative work for the music sector.

"We hope all incoming MPs will now be able to relax for a short while and celebrate at this summer's array of independent festivals."

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